that's my mama. i love her glasses! wishing there was some way she could've known then that the 9th child she bore (yeah, that's right, i'm #9) would've loved to wear them now. ahhh, the 1950's.... staring at this photo makes me wonder how our son will maintain photos of us in the next 20, 30 years. other than the huge storage container overflowing with photos, negatives and contact prints from my teenage years and our early 20's, everything else is pretty much online or on a memory card of one sort or another. granted there are prints here and there, but not of everything. remember going to pick up your film and getting prints-sometimes doubles-of every frame? even the bad ones with people with their eyes closed or whose heads were chopped off. that huge, plastic, probably not BPA-free (now that i come to think of it) tub full of our memories might smell kinda funny, but at least we can still see, touch, smell and if we really wanted to, taste those captured images of our past. will our stack of SD cards be readable in 30 years? will they be obsolete? will you need a special device to access the info being stored on them? what about our flickr accounts? will they be viewable? these are the things, however minor in the grand scheme of it all, that i sometimes worry about. so what can we do? well, keep taking photographs, but let's start being more determined to get prints made on a regular basis. even if you're simply printing at home, let's all be proactive about passing on a non-digitized history! i plan on leaving behind my analog story for a digital world, what about you?
a few of my favorite prints from non-digital cameras (that have been scanned and digitized, yes)......
my papa
a head shot taken with my old quad cam
zebra puppy love polaroid
we both recently started a 365project. have you heard of it? well, it basically makes you want to be the most innovative photographer you can be and on a daily basis! we always have a camera in hand and take at least a photo a day, but for the last 17 months or so, our attention has been absorbed by a delightful, handsome, photogenic, cherub-esque little man, and while we have taken some beautiful photos of him, we are both ready for somewhat more of a photographic challenge. obviously photographing a toddler can be a challenge, but we've had a sort of photographic re-awakening. we've made more of an effort to go out for the sole purpose of photographing again! this is a good thing as the summer market will be starting up in a few weeks and we'll need some fresh photography to try & sell in one form or another along with our other goods. and while we know our little elver is as cute as can be, there aren't too many people out there looking to buy photos of other peoples babies (& wouldn't we be creeped out by those that were). here are a few of the digital non-offspring images we've captured lately....

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